Your FOCUS is DESTROYING your LIFE – Theo Heartsill 2019

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Your life is not always the result of WHAT happens to you – but it’s also a result of how you LOOK at what happens to you, and how you RESPOND to it!!

You may be going through trials and tribulations right now and you feel like your life is spiraling out of control. You may feel like things in your life have been turned upside-down, wrung-out, are spiraling out-of-control, and that your life is completely worthless but that’s just your FOCUS!

When you look at your life and everything going on around you and to you – all you focus on and see is all the problems, issues, hurts, heart-aches and heart-breaks.

Is it God’s fault?
Is it your fault?
Is it the devil’s fault?

What if it’s none of the above?

What if the problem is, you’re looking at the situation from the wrong perspective, mindset and viewpoint?

I’ve got news for you – you can change the way you look at the things going on in your life and get a whole new perspective on life that will completely revolutionize the dynamic and quality of life you’re living!!

The problems you’re having in life may have nothing to do with God or the devil either one – your problems may be your frame of mind and viewpoint!!

Stick with me in this video and I’ll show you that a change in your perspective is all you need to turn your life around!!

God bless. See ya in the video!!
Theo Heartsill – 2019

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