SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY – Who am I in Christ Jesus? What is my position as a King and Priest?

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When it comes to spiritual authority – there’s a big difference between having a job; where you are required to fulfill and uphold the responsibilities of that position – and then doing something because someone told you to do it.

The Bible says that believers in Christ have been made to be Kings and Priest unto God and that we are a “royal priesthood.”

Some people read the New Testament scriptures and see where Jesus gave the apostles and early church believers the command and authority to go into all the world healing people, casting out devils, and preaching the Gospel.

Yet so many don’t have a full conviction and understanding that the same authority and power given to the early church – is for us today. And it’s not just by extension of Jesus’ command – but because we have been PLACED in the OFFICE of King and Priest!

In this video, I want to increase your faith and conviction in your own prayers, decrees, authority, commands, acts of faith etc because you are already in the office of King and Priest – and therefore the office and position of King and Priest allow you to operate in the manifestation of the office itself.

In this video, we’ll dig into the Greek language to examine it and answer questions like the following:

• Why did the Bible say Jesus was the PRINCE of the Kings of the Earth? (Rev 1.5)
• What is a King and what do they do? (Physical realm)
• What is a Priest and what do they do? (Spiritual realm)
• Why did Peter call Christians a “royal priesthood”?
• Why is it more important to understand you have an office and job, than just being told to do something?

God bless and I’ll see ya in the video!
Theo Heartsill

0:00 – introduction
3:22 – Rev 1.5-6 – We are Kings and Priests
6:16 – Rev 5.9-10 – Kings and Priests unto God
9:55 – 1 Peter 2.9 – Royal (Kingly) Priesthood
14:02 – Kings govern the Physical realm
14:44 – Priests govern in the Spiritual realm
15:40 – Example of an office vs being told to do something.
18:25 – Delegated authority from Jesus Christ
21:38 – Example – Getting authority to pray and intercede
26:26 – Summary
28:54 – Prayer
30:35 – Close

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