It's Still A Miracle by Johnny Godair

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A miracle is defined by Webster as an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs the healing miracles described in the Gospels. Hannah prayed for God to open her womb which was shut up. A miracle happened and the Lord gave her a child named Samuel whom she lent unto to God, and later became a prophet before the Lord. Thereafter she had five (the number of grace) children. She became pregnant [five times] and had three sons and two daughters. All of her children were miracles, not simply the first one who served Him greatly, and was renowned throughout all of Israel and history. There’s nothing too hard for God. He has washed away all of your sins by the blood and name of Jesus. Think on this. You may find yourself at a place where you cannot solve your problem on your own, you have tried everything and looked everywhere with no success. Through your struggle you have failed to look to the One who can do what no other can do. We serve a miracle working God and nothing is beyond His power. Just think for a moment about all of the miracles that Jesus has performed in the Gospel up to the time of this miracle..


o Turned water into wine

o Healed the Nobleman’s son

o Cast out demons

o Healed Peter’s mother-in-law

o Healed many of the sick in the city

o Cleansed a leper

o Healed the Centurion’s servant

o Healed a paralyzed man

o Healed the man with the withered hand

o Raised the widow’s son

o Calmed the raging storm

o Cast demons into a herd of pigs

He can do anything but fail. He knows only victory. The LORD said unto Zerubbabel, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” If we fast, pray and seek His face by faith without wavering, then we can expect whatever results God intended for us. General Patton said, always do more than what is expected. In the spiritual sense we know that faith works. In other words, preach the gospel to every creature, heal, cast out demons, and do whatsoever god’s word commands us by faith; being instant in season and out of season. Always going about our Father’s business or work, being spiritually minded. For such shall hear, well done my good and faithful servant. Never give up because with God there’s always opportunity and hope. He can do it.

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