Does God cause blindness? – John 9:1-5 – Theo Heartsill

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Perhaps you’ve read the story of the blind man in John 9:1-5 and because of the way the verse was punctuated – you believe God causes people to be born with sickness, disease, malady, malfunction, and issues so that God can somehow get glory out of the deal.

I’ve got news for you: God is NOT causing children to be born with birth-defects, health-issues, and problems, so he can get glory out of it.

He’s NOT causing people to live in misery with a lower-quality of life, and causing emotional heartbreak for them and their families so God can get glory out of it!!

Maybe you’re justified your unanswered questions by saying:
“We would love you to be healed, but God’s ways are higher than our ways.”
“God moves in mysterious ways, but somehow he’s getting glory out of it.”
“This is a mystery of God.”

And I could go on and on, but the moral of the story is, their answer – is “just deal with it and move on because God’s getting glory out of this somehow.”

Jesus did NOT say that people were born blind and with health issues so God could get glory out of it!! Instead, he was saying God was going to get GLORY in the fact that the man was being healed.

The translators punctuation of John 9:2-3 makes it look like Jesus was saying the man was born blind so God could get glory out of it; however, that is NOT the case!

The manuscripts were written in uncial script (ALL CAPS), continua scriptura (nospaces), had no diacritics (accent marks), had no punctuation, no chapters and no verses! And the translators had to figure out where the sentence breaks were supposed to go, and what punctuation to use.

Stick with me in this video, and we’re going to examine John 9:1-5 and look at the way the translators punctuated the sentence to see if God really caused the man to be born blind for God’s glory.

By the time were’ done, you will have learned a lot!!

God bless,
Theo Heartsill 2019

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