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If you read the Old Testament King James Bible – you will notice the word “PRAISE” many times over, especially King David’s use in the book of Psalms.

And while it may look like were just commanded to PRAISE the LORD – many people do not realize there are actually many different Hebrew words for praise , and different ways to praise the LORD!. Each “PRAISE” describes a distinct and unique way to worship the LORD, and mean for you to do something completely different!!

In fact, I’ll show you that in at least one verse (Psalms 100:4), the word “PRAISE” uses 4 different Hebrew words, with each one asking you to do specific things.

In this video, I want to look at 7 Hebrew words for praise. I will give you the Hebraic word, the definitions, and examples on how to use them in your own life to take your praise and worship to a whole nother level!!!

If you’ve wondered how can I praise the LORD, then I believe you will be pleasantly surprised to see how easy and awesome it is to worship the Lord according to these 7 Hebrew words for “PRAISE”.

1. Yadah (H3034) – Hands up/out praise
2. Todah/Towdah (H8426) – Thanksgiving/Testimony praise
3. Shabach (H7623) – Loud shout praise
4. Barak (H1288) – Kneeling praise
5. Zamar (H2167) – Musical Instrument praise
6. Tehillah (H8416) – Singing praise
7. Hallel (H1984) – Get crazy praise

Stick with me in this video – and I’m sure you’ll be blessed!!
God bless!
Theo Heartsill

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