Apostolic Preaching 2021: Rev. Brian Kinsey " How To Craft Your Report"

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What an amazing message of how to craft our life’s report.

Declaring and decreeing God’s word into and over our life helps keep us align with His Spirit, and His truth… His word is Spirit and it is Life!

If you are down and out and need hope in your life listen to this message by Rev. Brian Kinsey Senior Pastor Of First Pentecostal Church Of Pensacola, Florida.

“God doesn’t come in-and-out of my life.

He may walk in-and-out of yours, but he don’t walk in-and-out of mine.

He abides in my life.

When I wake up in the morning even if I’m having a bad day he is still there.

God does not walk in-and-out of our lives just because of our emotions and our perspectives that is not the word of God! “

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