Why Don't Apostolic Pentecostals Wear Jewelry? | Episode 127

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Paul told Timothy that Christian women should “adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array” (1 Timothy 2:9, KJV). What does this mean for believers living in the modern world, and how do we define “costly array”?

Dr. David K. Bernard explains the meaning of Paul’s words and explores other New Testament passages that refer to jewelry and adornment. This episode is for anyone who takes the Bible’s countercultural teachings seriously.

For more information on this subject, see Dr. Bernard’s books “In Search of Holiness” (https://pentecostalpublishing.com/products/in-search-of-holiness-pentecostal-theology-series-volume-3-1) and “Practical Holiness” (https://pentecostalpublishing.com/products/practical-holiness-a-second-look-volume-4-pentecostal-theology). Both are available at PentecostalPublishing.com.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to this channel so you’ll never miss another episode. You can listen to the audio version of this podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and other podcast platforms.

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