Where is God? God is Still There – Theo Heartsill 2019

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Have you ever found yourself walking through a season of wondering where God was in your life? Why am I having to go through this situation? Why do I have to face this situation? Why did this have to happen to me? If God loves me so much, and he’s so awesome, powerful, wonderful, and loving – then how come you’re having to go through it?

There are times and seasons in our lives that trials, tribulations, challenges, hurts, and tragedy will come. Sometimes we have no control over them and do not get to determine how long they last.

People and circumstance may come against us and challenge our resolve, faith and dedication to the Lord.

The issue may loom large in front of us and challenge our walk with God and leave us wondering what’s going on and how to get out of it.

One thing I can guarantee you – is that although you may wonder and question if God is still there…GOD IS STILL THERE!!

The situation may seem over-powering and overwhelming, but know this: God will see you through every trial and situation that tries to rear its ugly head against you.

You may feel like he’s abandoned you and forgotten you. You may feel like God is NOT with you right now, but that’s only because you’ve allowed the “situation”, the person, the trial, or the circumstance to become so large in your life – that it’s blocked your view of the Lord, and you can’t even see God anymore!

Let me encourage you through my testimony in this video that although there may be a situation in your life that seems overwhelming – God still sits on the throne and he has every right and the authority with it to break every storm and silence every enemy.

It may seem like God is not there, NOT because God has moved, but because you have allowed something to step in between you and the Lord and that is what has blocked your view of the LORD!

Stick with me in this video – and find out why I say, “the MOON is still there!”

God bless,
Theo Heartsill 2019.

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