Vesta Mangun – An Altar in My Life (Author and Singer)

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“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints…” (Ephesians 6:18). To those of us who know her well, we feel the Bible cross references should say in parentheses: “See Vesta Mangun.”

Vesta Mangun travels frequently to speak at conferences all over North America and occasionally on overseas mission trips. She is a world-renowned conference speaker, an astute Bible teacher, an accomplished singer with best-selling records, and the author of several books and pamphlets. Though she has sung for governors’ inaugurations, various public events, and hundreds of funerals, one senses that all this is periphery to her real calling: “Praying always…. with all perseverance… for all!” This is her most frequent topic. This is her song!

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