Teaching On Warfare Prayer | Vesta Mangun

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Watch Teaching On Warfare Prayer | Vesta Mangun on-site @ http://digisqueeze.com/warfare-prayer-vesta-mangun/

I’ve been delivered I been delivered
ain’t no devil gonna hold me down
I’m coming out my cave I’m coming out of
my shell I’ll make some out of my body
shut up in deliver
thank you for brother Jason let’s go and
thank you wonderful people for receiving
the word of the Lord and responding and
God putting his benediction and blessing
upon it and speaking a word to us I’m
thankful I know you’re hungry I know
you’re tired but just think how good
it’ll feel when you do get out of here
and go eat

Skip this video and watch Vesta Mangun | How To Pray With Authority: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68HYRF6XfZc&list=PL7op1mNyz8MxZ4drN6GutBICK8aedyDQ5&index=5&t=1s

I don’t want no strongholds I just want
to soft tender touch lean on me and
just oh it don’t take much to wake me up
just a little tiny movin out there that
will not fit my facebook kicked my shins
or shake me around you can be wounded
through words or circumstances and if
those wounds are allowed to fester I was
hurt in my church I was hurt
I’m glad Jason mentions that people are
using those as scratches and alibi and
all of that we got rid of all of that
today now come on in and we’re going to
do some more of that kind of stuff but
if those wounds are allowed to fester
they can evolve into our stronghold into
which they anger stay anger bitterness
hatred jealousy now it’s the strop we
need to we need to shake every snake off
in this file here today just take your
head and say get off of me I’m shaking
everything off bitterness wrath malice
Drive hallelujah oh I want to get rid of
all of that well before your receded and
we may change gears you’re just a little
bit you can’t just stay in one gear all
the time that’s what you got to
understand it’s not sometimes I just
have to back off and say hey wait a
minute here I got to get a new look at
this and we just heard revelation
preaching and now we’re going to go into
something a little bit different but I
want you to just raise your hands and
say stuff of what he’s doing in your own
individual life and we’re setting this
field on fire hallelujah
put on every stronghold get rid of
everything shake off every fiber into
this fire that’s being built and
everybody trust their hands and praise
the Lord and your baby

View full Playlist on Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7op1mNyz8MxZ4drN6GutBICK8aedyDQ5

would you say I would I would
somebody say about you Alexander the
coppersmith he’s done me a great harm
and the Lord reward him it took an awful
lot of talking in tongues for me to
overcome pain all I’m begging you today
is folks inner faith in that I would
want to spare my church my leader I
would not want to destroy a man of God
that God inflation our church I want to
join forces and become united in prayer
and fasting and use all of my clubs to
get the ball out of the coast I want to
do something that will get his church
moving like it’s never moved I want to
get as many souls as I can hit I want to
reach as many people as I can reach
hallelujah I want to help it Lenny
hallelujah, hallelujah say I don’t ever
be the same
I know I’m hungry I know I’m tired I
know where we up in you all day but say
I got something and I’m going to leave
here and I will go eat and I’ll come
back tonight and don’t tell us what time
with it clothes on
hallelujah clap your hands and say I got
some I got to weapon I got some clubs to
hallelujah say jicama Hakka behold the
groaning say howling we seen morning
morning Zion hallelujah roar out of Zion
let it happen and God bless and God
bless our pastors great man special and
beautiful spirit and I want to give him

As seen on Classic Apostolic Preaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te0sLLBV000

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