Everybody Will Be Happy Over There (and Lyrics)

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Everybody Will Be Happy Over There
performed at Tennessee Campmeeting
There’s a happy land of promise
Over in the great beyond
Where the saved of earth shall soon the glory share
Where the souls of men shall enter
And live on forever more
Everybody will be happy over there

(Bass: Everybody will be happy, will be happy over there, )
Everybody, will be happy, (Will…) Will be happy, (O…) over there
(Bass: We will shout and sing His praises through the never-ending ages)
We will shout and sing His praise
(All:) Everybody will be happy over there

Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers
Will be singing ’round the throne
In that land where no one ever knows a care
And the Christians of all ages
Will join in the triumph song
Everybody will be happy over there

We’ll meet the one who saved us
And who kept us by His grace
And who brought us to that land so bright and fair
We will praise His name forever
As we look upon His face
Everybody will be happy over there

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