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One of the most confusing issues regarding the law, is over whether Jesus abolished the law or fulfilled the law? What does that mean and what’s the difference?

In this video, we’ll answer questions like the following:
• Did Jesus abolish or fulfill the law, and what’s the difference?
• What do the Greek words mean, and how do they help us clarify what Jesus was saying concerning what he was doing with the law?
• What does it mean, “till heaven and earth passed, one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled?” What does that mean?
• What law was Jesus talking about? The law of Moses or the 10 commandments?
• Are the 10 commandments done away with?
• Is there a change to the law and if so, what is it?
• Did Jesus fulfill the law in his life and ministry?
• How did the Old Testament prophecies and “shadows” relate to what Jesus was doing?
• What is important about what Jesus said and did on the cross?
• What important thing did Jesus say at this ascension into heaven to the disciples?
• Why did the 1st covenant vanish away and what exactly does that mean?
• What does it mean that “Christ is the end of the law?
• What is critical to understand about the “schoolmaster” in regards to the Law?
• Can people be justified by the law? If not, then why?
• Are Christians under the law or under grace?

I believe you will enjoy this video and learn a lot.
God bless,
Theo Heartsill

0:00 – Intro
1:23 – Destroy or fulfill, looking at the Greek
4:44 – Re-reading with the Greek in there
6:56 – What law is Jesus talking about?
9:55 – The law foreshadowed Jesus
11:42 – The law is not binding on all people
11:58 – Jesus did fulfill the law
18:58 – Scriptures Jesus fulfilled the law
22:44 – Jesus is the end of the law
24:36 – The first covenant vanished away
28:15 – The law (schoolmaster) ended in Christ
30:17 – 10 commandments were done away with
31:28 – Priesthood changed
33:28 – Law was a shadow
34:04 – God took away the first covenant
35:00 – Let no man judge you
36:25 – No man is justified by law
37:33 – Summary

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