America’s Time: Prayer, Harvest, Miracles, Signs & Wonders | Evangelist Josh Herring

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Now is North America’s time to experience the greatest outpouring of the Holy Ghost in its history. The manifestation of the power of God bringing miraculous results in third-world countries overseas on the mission field will now happen here in North America. Come and discover how God will pour out His Spirit across our nation, even in crusades, and equip the church to lead the charge in a spirit of unity and revival. Be a part of it; pray and prepare for the harvest and a supernatural display of miracles, signs, and wonders.

Joshua Herring is a licensed UPCI minister and an international evangelist, serving as an evangelist for more than seventeen years. He was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and currently resides near Pensacola with his wife, Jenee, and their three children. He has been mentored by Lee Stoneking, Jack Cunningham, and Stan Gleason. In his ministry, thousands have been filled with the Holy Ghost and many have been healed, including dead being raised, blind eyes and deaf ears being opened, cancer being healed, and lame walking.

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