WHAT HAPPENS TO A PERSON NOT BAPTIZED? Do you go to hell if NOT baptized?

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I get asked a lot of questions regarding water baptism and being filled with the Holy Ghost as a heaven and hell issue. Some examples include:

• What if a person DECIDES to get baptized, but then dies before they’re actually baptized? Do they go to heaven or hell?

• What if I come upon a car-wreck, and there’s a person dying whom I lead through repentance; however there’s NO water and NO way that I can physically baptize them? Are they going to hell?

• What if a person is on their death-bed and there’s NO way physically possible to baptize them?

• Is baptism only legitimate if it’s done saying the NAME of Jesus, OR is it acceptable to say the phrase – “father, son and Holy Ghost”?

• Is the name of Jesus “implied” when someone uses the phrase “father, son, and Holy Ghost”, and would therefore be acceptable?

• If Jesus himself said to baptize using the phrase “father, son and Holy Ghost – then why don’t I need to be baptized saying that phrase INSTEAD of using the NAME Jesus?

• Should I believe what Jesus said in Matthew 28.19 OR should I believe what the Apostle Peter said in Acts 2.38? Is there a contradiction?

• If a person is baptized without saying or calling on the name Jesus – are they going to hell?

• What about my friends and loved ones who already died – are they going to hell?

We’ll look at all these questions. Plus, we’ll also look at the Greek language to figure out exactly what Jesus Christ said and commanded us to do, and whether there is a contradiction between the words of Jesus and Peter.

Also, we’ll examine the scriptures to identify what Jesus said in relation to baptism being a heaven or hell issue, because he answered the question himself!

I also want to point out and highlight what you should actually be concerned with: and that is doing what Jesus Christ himself commanded you to do.

I’ve got news for you – you’re not the one sitting on the throne deciding who gets in and who doesn’t. What you can control is what you’re doing with the command and commission you’ve been given by Jesus Christ himself to go into all the world and preach the Gospel – getting people baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and getting them filled with the Holy Ghost!!

Stick with me in this video – and you’re about to find a lot of answers to your questions about baptism!!

God bless,
Cya in the video!
Theo Heartsill

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